Thursday, October 31, 2013

Technology Replacing Books

Schools have been using books for centuries. Now, since our new generation is all around technology. Everything is going to be on electronics. This means books would be on phones, iPad’s, or Kindles. This could be a huge accomplishment because regular text books cost a lot of money for schools to get. Especially in college, since every student has to get their own text books. On average students pay at most $500 for the total of the books.

This article I read written by Pam Brombal has a lot of interesting information that says a lot about what people’s opinions in schools such as: teachers, principals, or even students. Gladstone school’s principal Matt Delany says that, "I think that over the next five to ten years we will see a change in the way that schools operate in terms of using technology over books, especially as we see new teachers come out of university who are used to using iPads and new technologies," This ties into what I said before about most of the books would be on the different types of electronics.

Technology keeps evolving every year, with new ideas and mind blowing inventions that no one thinks could be possible. If this is successful in the future about replacing books, then we could save the environment. I agree that technology should replace books because it is much easier for students to handle. Students can just purchase an app to get the books right away, instead of waiting a week or so to get them. I found this very interesting, and if you want to learn more about it here is the article I read down below.

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